
Guantanamo à la française: Frankreichs Republikaner kochen

Telepolis - Fr, 2016-07-29 13:00
Die Diskussionen über die richtige Strategie im "Krieg gegen den IS" verschärfen sich. Sarkozy empfiehlt die Unterbringung von Verdächtigen in geschlossenen Anstalten
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

USA: Wieder eine farbcodierte Skala für Cyberbedrohungen

Telepolis - Fr, 2016-07-29 12:00
Mit einer Direktive hat nun Präsident Obama geregelt, wer für Cyberangriffe zuständig ist, aber vieles dabei offen gelassen
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Breaking News: Der eiskalte Reporter des Satans

Telepolis - Fr, 2016-07-29 11:00
YouTube und Co. - unsere wöchentliche Telepolis-Videoschau
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Schaltbare Wärmedämmung

Telepolis - Fr, 2016-07-29 10:00
Ein Bielefelder Unternehmen hat eine Technologie entwickelt, die Isolierung und Sonnenenergienutzung verbindet
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Angstparadox: Wer hat am meisten Angst vor Kriminalität?

Telepolis - Fr, 2016-07-29 08:00
Mit steigender Einkommensungleichheit in einem Land wächst die Angst bei den Angehörigen der Mehrheit
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Araber haben kaum Sympathien für Islamischen Staat

Telepolis - Fr, 2016-07-29 06:00
Weder Ziele noch propagierte Gewalt stoßen auf Zustimmung, nur bei Marokkanern und Palästinensern ist die Affinität zum IS etwas höher
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Merkel sieht "historische Bewährungsprobe für Deutschland"

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 23:00
Auf der Bundespressekonferenz äußerte sich die Kanzlerin zu Themen, die vor einigen Monaten offiziell noch nicht miteinander verknüpft wurden: Flüchtlinge und Terror-Anschläge
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Putins Sommer-Schachzug

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 22:00
Größte Umbesetzung leitender Staatsbeamter seit Jahren, Putin setzt Ex-KGB-Mitarbeiter auf leitende Posten
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Percona Monitoring and Management 1.0.2 Beta

MySQL High Performance - Do, 2016-07-28 19:39

Percona announces the release of Percona Monitoring and Management 1.0.2 Beta on 28 July 2016.

Like prior versions, PMM is distributed through Docker Hub and is free to download. Full instructions for download and installation of the server and client are available in the documentation.

Notable changes to the tool include:

  • Upgraded to Grafana 3.1.0.
  • Upgraded to Prometheus 1.0.1.
  • Set default metrics retention to 30 days.
  • Eliminated port 9001. Now the container uses only one configurable port, 80 by default.
  • Eliminated the need to specify ADDRESS variable when creating Docker container.
  • Completely re-wrote pmm-admin with more functions.
  • Added ability to stop all services using the new pmm-admin.
  • Added support to name instances using the new pmm-admin.
  • Query Analytics Application updates:
    • Redesigned queries profile table
    • Redesigned metrics table
    • Redesigned instance settings page
    • Added sparkline charts
    • Added ability to show more than ten queries
  • Various updates for MongoDB dashboards.

The full release notes are available in the documentation. The documentation also includes details on installation and architecture.

A demonstration of the tool has been set up at

We have also implemented forums for the discussion of PMM.

Help us improve our software quality by reporting any bugs you encounter using our bug tracking system. As always, thanks for your continued support of Percona!

Some screen shots of the updates:

Note the new sparkline that shows the current load in context (so you know if the number is higher/normal/lower than normal), and the option to “Load next 10 queries” at the bottom of the listing.

Our admin tool was completely re-written with new functions:

pmm-admin –help output


pmm-admin list command output


pmm-admin check-network output, which provides information on the status of the client’s network connection to the server.

Upcoming Webinar August 2 10:00 am PDT: MySQL and Ceph

MySQL High Performance - Do, 2016-07-28 18:27

Join Brent Compton, Kyle Bader and Yves Trudeau on August 2, 2016 at 10 am PDT (UTC-7) for a MySQL and Ceph webinar.

Many operators select OpenStack as their control plane of choice for providing both internal and external IT services. The OpenStack user survey repeatedly shows Ceph as the dominant backend for providing persistent storage volumes through OpenStack Cinder. When building applications and repatriating old workloads, developers are discovering the need to provide OpenStack infrastructure database services. Given MySQL’s ubiquity, and it’s reliance on persistent storage, it is of utmost importance to understand how to achieve the performance demanded by today’s applications. Databases like MySQL can be incredibly IO intensive, and Ceph offers a great opportunity to go beyond the limitations presented by a single scale-up system. Since Ceph provides a mutable object store with atomic operations, could MySQL store InnoDB pages directly in Ceph?

This talk reviews the general architecture of Ceph, and then discusses benchmark results from small to mid-size Ceph clusters. These benchmarks lead to the development of prescriptive guidance around tuning Ceph storage nodes (OSDs), the impact the amount of physical memory, and the presence of SSDs, high-speed networks or RAID controllers.

Click here to register now. Speakers: Brent Compton
Director Storage Solution Architectures, Red Hat
Brent Compton is Director Storage Solution Architectures at Red Hat. He leads the team responsible for building Ceph and Gluster storage reference architectures with Red Hat Storage partners. Before Red Hat, Brent was responsible for emerging non-volatile memory software technologies at Fusion-io. Previous enterprise software leadership roles include VP Product Management at Micromuse (now IBM Tivoli Netcool) and Product Marketing Director within HP’s OpenView software division. Brent also served as Director Middleware Development Platforms at the LDS Church and as CIO at Joint Commission International. Brent has a tight-knit family, and can be found on skis or a mountain bike whenever possible. Kyle Bader
Sr Solution Architect, Red Hat
Kyle Bader, a Red Hat senior architect, provides expertise in the design and operation of petabyte-scale storage systems using Ceph. He joined Red Hat as part of the 2014 Inktank acquisition. As a senior systems engineer at DreamHost, he helped implement, operate, and design Ceph and OpenStack-based systems for DreamCompute and DreamObjects cloud products. Yves Trudeau
Principal Architect
Yves is a Principal Consultant at Percona, specializing in MySQL High-Availability and scaling solutions. Before joining Percona in 2009, he worked as a senior consultant for MySQL AB and Sun Microsystems, assisting customers across North America with NDB Cluster and Heartbeat/DRBD technologies. Yves holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Physics from Université de Sherbrooke. He lives in Québec, Canada with his wife and three daughters.

Ein Fünftel der deutschen Väter und Mütter bereut Elternschaft

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 14:00
"Das Elternsein wird noch immer idealisiert", heißt es in der YouGov-Befragung
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

USA: Die vertane letzte Chance

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 13:00
Die Nominierung Hillary Clintons zur Präsidentschaftskandidatin der Demokraten ist eine politische Katastrophe
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Klimawandel: Donald Trump gegen Hillary Clinton

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 12:00
Die US-Präsidentschaftswahlen im November 2016 bieten jetzt eine klare Alternative in der Klima- und Energiepolitik
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Selbstzensur ist Selbstüberschätzung

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 11:00
Le Monde bringt keine Bilder von Terroristen mehr
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Zögerliche Aufklärung im Fall der Sektensiedlung Colonia Dignidad in Chile

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 09:00
Bundesregierung bleibt hinter Parlamentsantrag aus dem Jahr 2002 zurück. BND wusste schon 1966 von "KZ-ähnlichen Methoden"
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Griechenland: Keine Verbesserung in Sicht

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 09:00
Die Flüchtlinge haben weiter Probleme
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Keine Begeisterung für die technische Verbesserung des Menschen

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 08:00
Eine Umfrage in den USA macht die gespaltene Haltung der Menschen gegenüber Gene Editing, Neuro-Implantaten und künstlichem Blut deutlich
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

AKP und CHP: Die neue Einigkeit

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 06:00
Die größte türkische Oppositionspartei nähert sich der AKP an, eine Verfassungsänderung ist in Sicht
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Ölpreis: Unklarer Trend, wachsende Risiken

Telepolis - Do, 2016-07-28 05:05
US-Onshore-Förderung hat vor 15 Monaten ihren Höhepunkt überschritten und fällt weiter. OPEC pumpt hingegen mehr und der globale Bedarf steigt kontinuierlich
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Percona Live Europe Amsterdam 2016 Tutorial Schedule is Up!

MySQL High Performance - Mi, 2016-07-27 22:09

This blog post lists the Percona Live Europe Amsterdam 2016 tutorial schedule.

We are excited to announce that the tutorial schedule for the Percona Live Europe Amsterdam Open Source Database Conference 2016 is up!

The Percona Live Europe Amsterdam Open Source Database Conference is the premier event for the diverse and active open source community, as well as businesses that develop and use open source software. The conferences have a technical focus with an emphasis on the core topics of MySQL, MongoDB, and other open source databases. Tackling subjects such as analytics, architecture and design, security, operations, scalability and performance, Percona Live provides in-depth discussions for your high-availability, IoT, cloud, big data and other changing business needs.

Tackling subjects such as analytics, architecture and design, security, operations, scalability and performance, Percona Live Europe provides in-depth discussions for your high-availability, IoT, cloud, big data and other changing business needs. This conference is an opportunity to network with peers and technology professionals by bringing together accomplished DBA’s, system architects and developers from around the world to share their knowledge and experience – all to help you learn how to tackle your open source database challenges in a whole new way. These tutorials are a must for any data performance professional!

The Percona Live Europe Open Source Database Conference is October 3-5 at the Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre.

Click through to the tutorial link right now, look them over, and pick which sessions you want to attend. Discounted passes available below!

Tutorial List: Early Bird Discounts

Just a reminder to everyone out there: our Early Bird discount rate for the Percona Live Europe Amsterdam Open Source Database Conference is only available ‘til August 8, 2016, 11:30 pm PST! This rate gets you all the excellent and amazing opportunities that Percona Live offers, at a very reasonable price!

Sponsor Percona Live

Become a conference sponsor! We have sponsorship opportunities available for this annual MySQL, MongoDB and open source database event. Sponsors become a part of a dynamic and growing ecosystem and interact with hundreds of DBAs, sysadmins, developers, CTOs, CEOs, business managers, technology evangelists, solutions vendors, and entrepreneurs who attend the event.