
Das "Nein" als anerzogenes Modell

Telepolis - Di, 2016-07-26 06:00
Als Konzept klingt "Nein heißt Nein" reizvoll, birgt aber Tücken. Nicht zuletzt wegen der Erziehung - Teil 2
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Nizza: Streit über die "offizielle Story des Attentats"

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 22:00
Die Kommune sollte angeblich auf Drängen des Innenministeriums die Videoaufzeichnungen über den Abend des Attentats zerstören
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Mindestens 320 Euro im Monat für bedürftige Familien

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 22:00
Ab September wird in Italien eine neue Social Card vergeben
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Percona XtraBackup 2.4.4 is now available

MySQL High Performance - Mo, 2016-07-25 18:05

Percona announces the GA release of Percona XtraBackup 2.4.4 on July 25th, 2016. You can download it from our download site and from apt and yum repositories.

Percona XtraBackup enables MySQL backups without blocking user queries, making it ideal for companies with large data sets and mission-critical applications that cannot tolerate long periods of downtime. Offered free as an open source solution, Percona XtraBackup drives down backup costs while providing unique features for MySQL backups.

New Features:

  • Percona XtraBackup has been rebased on MySQL 5.7.13.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Percona XtraBackup reported the difference in the actual size of the system tablespace and the size which was stored in the tablespace header. This check is now skipped for tablespaces with autoextend support. Bug fixed #1550322.
  • Because Percona Server 5.5 and MySQL 5.6 store the LSN offset for large log files at different places inside the redo log header, Percona XtraBackup was trying to guess which offset is better to use by trying to read from each one and compare the log block numbers and assert lsn_chosen == 1 when both LSNs looked correct, but they were different. Fixed by improving the server detection. Bug fixed #1568009.
  • Percona XtraBackup didn’t correctly detect when tables were both compressed and encrypted. Bug fixed #1582130.
  • Percona XtraBackup would crash if the keyring file was empty. Bug fixed #1590351.
  • Backup couldn’t be prepared when the size in cache didn’t match the physical size. Bug fixed #1604299.
  • Free Software Foundation address in copyright notices was outdated. Bug fixed #1222777.
  • Backup process would fail if the datadir specified on the command-line was not the same as one that is reported by the server. Percona XtraBackup now allows the datadir from my.cnf override the one from SHOW VARIABLES. xtrabackup prints a warning that they don’t match, but continues. Bug fixed #1526467.
  • With upstream change of maximum page size from 16K to 64K, the size of incremental buffer became 1G. Which increased the requirement to 1G of RAM in order to prepare the backup. While in fact there is no need to allocate such a large buffer for smaller pages. Bug fixed #1582456.
  • Backup process would fail on MariaDB Galera cluster operating in GTID mode if binary logs were in non-standard directory. Bug fixed #1517629.

Other bugs fixed: #1583717, #1583954, and #1599397.

Release notes with all the bugfixes for Percona XtraBackup 2.4.4 are available in our online documentation. Please report any bugs to the launchpad bug tracker.

MongoDB Consistent Backups

MySQL High Performance - Mo, 2016-07-25 17:35

In this post, I’m going to discuss MongoDB consistent backups, and how to achieve them.

You might have read before that MongoDB backup is not consistent. But what if I told you there is a tool that could make them consistent. What if this tool also would make it cluster-wide consistent, automatically compress the backup, become the first step toward continually incremental recording, notify your monitoring system and upload the backup to cloud storage for you?

It’s all TRUE!

Recently Percona-Labs created a new repository aimed at exactly these issues. We hope it will eventually grow into something that becomes part of the officially supported tools (like Percona Toolkit and  Percona’s Xtrabackup utility). Before we get into how it works, let’s talk about why we need it and its key highlights. Then (for all the engineering types reading this) we can discuss what is does and why.

Why do we need a consistent backup tool?

The first thing to note is you absolutely can’t have a consistent backup on a working system unless your node is in a replicaset. (You could even have a single node replicaset for this to be accurate.) Why? Consistency requires an operations log to say what changes occurred from the first point in the backup to the last point. This lets us ensure we are consistent to the end timestamp of the backup. We are unable to verify consistency when the MongoDB backup started without the ability to take a “snapshot” of data and then save the data while other changes occur. MongoDB does not have ACID-like isolation in this way. However, it can be consistent to the backup endpoint by applying any deltas at the end of the backup restore process.

You might say, “but mongodump already provides --oplog for this feature.” You are right: it does, and it works great if you only have a single replicaset to backup. When we bring sharding into the mix, however, things get vastly more complicated. It ignores that flag and hits your primaries:

In the diagram above you can see the backup and oplog recording for the first shard ended long before the second shard. As such, the consistency point needed is nowhere close to being covered by the red line. Even if all your shards are the same size, there would be some level of variance due to network, disk, CPU and memory speeds. The new tool helps you here by keeping track of the dumps, but also by having a thread recording the oplog for all shards until the last shard finishes. This ensures that all shards can be synced to the point in time where the last shard finished. At that moment in time, we have a consistent backup across all the shards. As you can see below, the oplog finished watching both shards after the last shard finish. On recovery, they remain in sync.

You might ask, “well what about the meta-data stored in the config servers.” This is a great quest, as the behavior differs in our tool depending on if you’re using MongoDB 3.2’s new Config Servers as a replica set feature, or a legacy config server approach.

In the legacy mode, we fsyncAndLock the config servers just long enough to record a server config data dump. Then we stop the oplog tailer threads for all the shards. After that, and after the oplog tailers finish, we unlock the config server. This ensures we remove the race conditions that could occur if it took longer than expected to close an oplog cursor. However, if we run in 3.2 mode, the config servers act just like another shard. They get dumped at the same time, and the oplog just gets tailed until we complete the data shard dumps. The newest features available to MongoDB Community, MongoDB Enterprise, and Percona Server for MongoDB 3.2 make the process much simpler.

Key Takeaways from new tool

  1. Not yet an official Percona tool, but being used already by people as it’s just a wrapper to run multiple mongo dumps for you.
  2. If you execute the make setup, it outputs a single binary file that needs only python2.7 installed on your database system, even though under the hood it’s running many python modules in a virtualenv
  3. Dumps all shard in parallel and keeps tailing the oplog until all dumps are complete
  4. Handled backing up metadata for old and new config server topologies
  5. Can currently upload to S3, but more cloud storage is coming
  6. Backups compressed by default
  7. Uses the cluster_name,  time, and shard_name to make backup paths look like  /cluster1/<timestamp>/shard1.tgz, helping you keep things organized and letting you remove old backups by timestamp and cluster name.

Desired Roadmap

  • Mature into an officially support Percona product like  Xtrabackup
  • Fully Opensource and welcoming community improvements
  • Extending uploading to  CloudFiles by Rackspace, Azure ZRS, Google Cloud Storage and more
  • Complementary documentation on restores but can just natively use mongorestore tool also
  • Modular backup methods to extend to mongodump, LVM snapshots, ISCSI, EBS snapshots, MongoDB commands and more
  • Encryption before saving to disk
  • Partial backups and restores limit to specific databases and collections
  • Offline backup querying

Please be sure to check out the GitHub @mongodb_consistent_backup and log any issues or features requests.

Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @dbmurphy_data or @percona with any questions or suggestions as well.

Wasserman Schultz tritt nach HillaryLeaks als DNC-Chefin zurück …

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 12:00
… und wird von Clinton umgehend mit einem Chefposten im Wahlkampfteam belohnt
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Ansbach: Syrer zündet Bombe

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 11:00
Nach Innenminister Herrmanns Einschätzung ist es naheliegend, dass es sich um einen islamistischen Selbstmordanschlag handelt
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Lügenpresse? Wieso Lügenpresse?!?

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 10:00
Beim Netzwerk Recherche versteht man die Welt nicht mehr
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Amnesty International erhebt Foltervorwürfe gegen türkische Polizei

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 08:00
Die Absicht ist eindeutig: Es geht um Demütigung und um die Erzeugung von Furcht
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Love me on the Go

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 06:36
Mit Pokémon Go ist man nie wieder alleine. Auch wenn die kleinen Monsterchen nicht wirkliches Sozialleben ersetzen. Aber auch dafür gibt es jetzt einen Service
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Polen: Die Spiel- und Spaßverderber

Telepolis - Mo, 2016-07-25 06:00
Die PiS führt einen Kampf gegen Institutionen und Lebensstil des liberalen Polen
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Strafen gegen Spanien und Portugal in Vorbereitung

Telepolis - So, 2016-07-24 22:01
Gelder aus EU-Fonds sollen wegen Defizitverstößen ausgesetzt werden und benachteiligte Regionen und Menschen hart treffen
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Trump: Deutschland und Frankreich "haben Menschen erlaubt, in ihr Land zu kommen"

Telepolis - So, 2016-07-24 22:00
Der republikanische Präsidentschaftskandidat setzt auf Abschottung des Einwanderungslands USA
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

"Büyük Lider" an alle

Telepolis - So, 2016-07-24 22:00
Per SMS dirigiert der "große Führer" Erdoğan seine Anhänger im In- und Ausland
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

IS: Massenmord an Schiiten in Afghanistan

Telepolis - So, 2016-07-24 12:00
80 Tote bei einem Anschlag in der Hauptstadt Kabul. Taliban nennen Attacke "Angriff von Feinden"
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Securitate 2.0?

Telepolis - So, 2016-07-24 10:00
Wie der rumänische Geheimdienst die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz und die Rechtsstaatlichkeit untergräbt
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Das Internet der Digda

Telepolis - So, 2016-07-24 08:00
Amoralische Agenten, die Ausstülpung des Cyberspace und die Kontroverse um "Pokémon Go"
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

München-Massaker: Rache für Mobbing?

Telepolis - Sa, 2016-07-23 22:00
Der Schütze lockte via Facebook an den Tatort
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

"Meine Feinde verteidigen"

Telepolis - Sa, 2016-07-23 22:00
Hassrede gegen Meinungsfreiheit
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur

Einzelne Photonen sehen

Telepolis - Sa, 2016-07-23 10:00
Das menschliche Auge ist in der Lage, ein einzelnes Lichtquant zu registrieren - eine fast unglaubliche Leistung
Kategorien: Politik + Kultur