olly's links...

ZigVersion : Subversion Made Easy

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:54.

ZigVersion is an easy to use interface for Subversion, a popular open source version control system. Instead of simply reproducing the command line concepts as a graphical interface, we looked at ...


Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:53.

The goal of the SCPlugin project is to integrate Subversion into the Mac OS X Finder. The inspiration for this project came from the TortoiseSVN project.

Planbook: Software For Teachers

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:51.

Cocoa-Tool zur Stundenplanerstellung für Lehrer.



Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:51.

Export all photos of an album into a single compressed file (zip, gzip, BZip2).

From Joey Gibson's Blog


One way to detect hardware keyloggers

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:50.

How to detect usb hardware keyloggers



Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:49.

FastIcns is a free application for OS X, that creates icons by simply dragging and dropping an image file on the application. FastIcns is an excellent tool for both developers and home users.


Sweet Home 3D

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:49.

Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that helps you placing your furniture
on a house 2D plan, with a 3D preview.

macosxhints.com - 10.4: Create new iCal events from anywhere

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:48.

Automator nutzen um iCal-Events zu erstellen, z.B. mit Quicksilver


PageEar - das kostenlose Pagepeel

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:47.

Online Werbung: Eselsohreffekt

Services (Drupal module)

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:44.

The services module package was created out of a need for a standardized solution of integrating external applications with Drupal, specifically Flash and Flex applications.