olly's links...

Tracking file upload progress with PHP 5.2 (APC)

Submitted by olly on Mi, 2007-10-24 12:31.

PHP V5.2 added hooks for developers to take advantage of tracking file upload progress in real time. This article, Part 5 of a five-part "What's new in PHP V5.2" series, shows how to monitor file uploads and write code accordingly, with the creation of a PHP progress bar.


Doku zu mod_uploadprogress

Submitted by olly on Mi, 2007-10-24 12:28.

Dokumentationswiki (Trac) für Uploadprogress mit Lighttpd 1.5.x


Submitted by olly on Mi, 2007-10-24 12:26.

Modul für lighttpd um den Fortschritt eines Dateiuploads anzeigen zu können.


Submitted by olly on Mi, 2007-10-24 12:25.

Apache HTTP-Server Modul für Dateiuploads

Drupal: loadtest module

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:45.

A framework for running and building load tests on a Drupal site.

Drupal: How to write automated tests

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:44.

Writing an automated test might be a bit disorienting for some Drupal developers. It isn't hard, but is different from rest of Drupal in a couple of ways...


Mindquarry | The Open Source Collaborative Software

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:43.

Work offline or online

Work offline and at any time synchronize all files and tasks with Mindquarry's collaboration software as soon as you are back online.

Full WEB 2.0 API List

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:40.

Web APIs

125 Code Snippets for web designers

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:39.

I snagged the list from tutorialblog.org, I’ve just compiled it all into a single resource. Below are 125 handy HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX snippets for your site or blog.

ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:38.

Tipps und Tricks und Codeschnipsel zu allem was im Bereich Web gerade angesagt ist...