olly's links...

Drupal: loadtest module

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:45.

A framework for running and building load tests on a Drupal site.

Drupal: How to write automated tests

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:44.

Writing an automated test might be a bit disorienting for some Drupal developers. It isn't hard, but is different from rest of Drupal in a couple of ways...


Captcha Pack for Drupal

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 20:31.

The Captcha Pack module contains several captcha challenges for use with the Captcha module. The captcha pack module is meant to provide lightweight, yet effective alternatives for the traditional...

Services (Drupal module)

Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:44.

The services module package was created out of a need for a standardized solution of integrating external applications with Drupal, specifically Flash and Flex applications.


Submitted by olly on So, 2007-10-21 17:43.

This module provides AMFPHP support to Services overrides AMFPHP classes to provide support for services defined in the service api.